For churches, groups, and individuals
Group Resources
Below are a few of the key tools we utilize in our group programs for adults and teens. These can be used individually as tools to support mental and emotional wellness as well. Additional group resources for partnering churches are located in our community portal.
Anchored in Christ Devotional Template (PDF)
$5.00 -
Anchors of Wellness Diagram
Anchors of Wellness Rack Cards (Set of 50)
$45.00 -
Bible Spotlights – ALL
Safe Storytelling Key Practices
Sharing Your Story Guidelines
Supporting a Loved One Through Mental Health Challenges
The Feeling Wheel
Wellness Wheel
Wellness Wheel Coloring Sheet
Mental Health 101
Recursos en Español
A continuación se encuentran algunas de las herramientas clave que utilizamos en nuestros programas grupales para adultos y adolescentes. Estas también pueden ser utilizadas individualmente como herramientas para apoyar el bienestar mental y emocional. Recursos grupales adicionales para iglesias asociadas se encuentran en nuestro portal comunitario.
Por favor, contáctenos si desea que se traduzcan recursos adicionales al español.
Flyers & Brochures
Interested in sharing Anchor International with your leadership team or other churches? Feel free to download the following resources to help introduce our ministry. Additional promotional material for partnering churches is located in our community portal.